Personal branding is the fastest way to authority in any field. If you have a message to influence the world, a powerful personal brand is the way to do so better and faster.
He Said, She Said: Improve Dialogue with This Simple Pneumonic
Do You Have a Superhero?
Time Your Way to Greatness
With nothing more than the timer on your phone, you can accomplish anything. In five, ten or twenty minutes at a time, you can bend the time space continuum to your will. It’s all about applying extreme intentionality and limits on tasks. And the sooner you consider your creative work as tasks the sooner you will become exponentially more creative.
How to Handle Change In 3 Easy Steps
12 Summer Writing Projects to Put You Back in Charge of Your Story
Will Your Stories Serve?
Kill Extra Words, They Undermine Authority
Make Something of Your Nothings
Inspiration: Dawn Spragg, Superhero for Teens and the Adults Who Love Them
I met Dawn Spragg in 2008 when I asked to joined the board of the organization she founded. The Teen Action Support Center (TASC) is a state of the art teen resource provider in Northwest Arkansas. As part of a the curriculum for a local leadership program, I had been...