Top 5 Reasons to Choose a Funny Book for Book Club

Choose a Funny Book for Book Club

Got Funny Book Club Books?

I am in a fantastic book club with some of my very best friends in the whole wide world. I am a lucky woman. Our book club gives us not only an excuse to get together regularly, but also stimulating conversation and a lot of wine. However, it's rare that we choose a funny book for book club discussion.

Why? Maybe we are over-achievers. Maybe we just forget that there are so many great funny books out there. (See below for a list of funny books.) Our club imposes no restrictions on the genre. Therefore, we read both fiction and non-fiction. And a whole lot of it ends up being either very heavy, or very self-improvement-y. Both are wonderful, but sometimes we need a break.

Here then, for you and for us, are my top five reasons to choose funny book club books, at least once in a while.

1. You don't need to improve yourself ALL the time.

You can only be so happy, so organized, and so effective at work--no matter how many books you read.


2. Depressing isn't always better

Oprah doesn't OWN book clubs! Despite her excellent taste in supremely depressing books, she is not the boss of your selection. Go on, be silly.


3.  Tina Fey.

If only she would write more.


4. Funny books by women reflect our lives. 

Women who write funny books for other women encourage us to laugh AT them, not with them. Laughing at their misfortunes can help take the edge off our own.


5. Mixing it up keeps your book club interesting.

That one girl, the one who cries a lot--she needs a month off. And that other girl, the one who pees her pants a lot--it's fun to get her laughing, especially if she's liquored up. Make her sit on a plastic chair.


Have I convinced you? If so, maybe you will be inspired to choose a funny book for your next book club selection. I've started a list of funny books for women, and I welcome your suggestions for additions to the list!

Of course, I'd be honored if you selected one of my books for your next book club meeting!

Happy reading!